"Mac Precision Touchpad" driver installed

In case the Mac Precision Touchpad driver is installed, a Magic Trackpad 2 will not work properly with the Magic Trackpad Utilities.

  • With a wireless Bluetooth connection, a Magic Trackpad 2 doesn't work at all. That other driver must be uninstalled.
  • With a wired USB connection, a Magic Trackpad 2 works but isn't detected by the "Magic Trackpad Utilities" application. It's enough to reinstall the Magic Trackpad Utilities driver. However it is highly recommended to uninstall that other driver as well.

Wireless Bluetooth connection

To make the Magic Trackpad Utilities work with Bluetooth connections the Mac Precision Touchpad driver must be uninstalled.


Usually only one device driver can be installed per device which prevents that incompatible drivers are loaded at the same time.

However Windows has a driver stack where filter drivers can be placed at various levels. The Magic Trackpad Utilities driver sits at a lower level in the driver stack than the Mac Precision Touchpad driver. As a result both drivers are loaded at the same time and block each other.

Uninstall the "Mac Precision Touchpad" Bluetooth driver

To uninstall the Mac Precision Touchpad driver follow these steps:

  • Open the Windows Device Manager:
    Right click on the Windows Start menu icon and select Device Manager.
  • Expand the Human Interface Devices branch.

At the top you should see two "Apple Multi-touch..." devices:

  • Apple Multi-touch Auxiliary Services and
  • Apple Multi-touch Trackpad HID filter

Both devices need to be uninstalled with their driver deleted:

  • Right click on Apple Multi-touch Auxiliary Services and select Uninstall device:
    Uninstall MacPrecisionTouchpad 1
  • In the confirmation dialog select: Delete the driver software for this device.
  • Click the Uninstall button.
    Uninstall MacPrecisionTouchpad 2
  • Right click on Apple Multi-touch Trackpad HID filter and select Uninstall device:
    Uninstall MacPrecisionTouchpad 3
  • Once again, in the confirmation dialog select: Delete the driver software for this device.
  • Click the Uninstall button again.
    Uninstall MacPrecisionTouchpad 4

Restart the Magic Trackpad Utilities device driver

After the incompatible driver has been uninstalled, the Magic Trackpad Utilities device driver needs a restart to make your Magic Trackpad work again.

  • In the "Magic Trackpad Utilities" application from the menu select Driver > Restart device driver.
  • If the Magic Trackpad doesn't reconnect via Bluetooth, click the Magic Trackpad.

Now the Magic Trackpad should work again.

Reinstall the Magic Trackpad Utilities driver

In case the Magic Trackpad Utilities still don't work, reinstall the device driver.

In the "Magic Trackpad Utilities" application from the menu select Driver > Reinstall device driver.

Wired USB connection

To make the Magic Trackpad Utilities work again with an USB connection you can:

  • Uninstall the Mac Precision Touchpad USB driver or
  • Reinstall the Magic Trackpad Utilities driver.

We highly recommend the uninstall method to avoid further interference when using a Bluetooth connection.

Uninstall the "Mac Precision Touchpad" USB driver

  • Open the Windows Device Manager:
    Right click on the Windows Start menu icon and select Device Manager.
  • Expand the Human Interface Devices branch.
  • Right click on Apple USB Precision Touchpad Device (User-mode) and select Uninstall device:
    Uninstall MacPrecisionTouchpad USB 1
  • In the confirmation dialog select: Delete the driver software for this device.
  • Click the Uninstall button.
    Uninstall MacPrecisionTouchpad USB 2

Reinstall the Magic Trackpad Utilities driver

Once the Mac Precision Touchpad driver has been uninstalled it might be necessary to reinstall the Magic Trackpad Utilities driver.

In the "Magic Trackpad Utilities" application from the menu select Driver > Reinstall device driver.

Restart your computer

In rare cases the above might not work as the Mac Precision Touchpad driver might still be loaded.

Then Restart your computer and try again.