This is a major update with new features and important fixes.

All applications

  • [APP-116] + Added option to save screenshots as PNG file.
  • [APP-117] * Better "Send feedback" dialog with more options to forward diagnostic system information.
  • [APP-115] * Due to a new settings storage all current device settings below version will be reset to defaults. Apologize for any inconvenience. With the new settings storage in place, this should not happen again.

Keyboard application and driver

  • [APP-119] + Added web links to international keyboard layouts.
  • [DRV-84] * Fixed keyboard not recognized on Bluetooth re-connection if connection was lost for Apple Wireless Keyboard (2007-2009).

Mouse and Trackpad application

  • [APP-114] + Added Swap swipe direction for left/right desktop navigation.

Trackpad driver

  • [DRV-86] + Added accidental touch filters when performing 2 finger (click and hold) dragging and 3 finger dragging.
  • [DRV-85] * Fixed 2 finger right click performing a left + right click on asynchronous finger touching, regression of DRV-52.